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Metano Sant'Angelo Lodigiano

We operate in the province of Lodi and Pavia. Since 1952, we have provided an excellent service to approximately 10,000 customers residing in 5 municipalities.

We are present in 4 municipalities in the province of Lodi (Sant’Angelo Lodigiano, Villanova del Sillaro in the hamlet of Bargano, Castiraga Vidardo, Marudo) and 1 municipality in the province of Pavia (Villanterio). Every year we distribute over 12 million cubic meters of gas through 120 kilometers of pipelines and manage about 10,000 active supplies.

We have been operating since 1952 in the field of natural gas distribution in urban areas and we have two important shareholders: the Municipal Administration and Italgas, each with 50% of the share capital.

  • Registered office

    Metano Sant’Angelo Lodigiano S.p.A. | via Morzenti, 22/A – 26866 Sant’Angelo Lodigiano (LO)

    Go to the Metano Sant'Angelo Lodigiano website

    Find more information the Metano Sant'Angelo Lodigiano website.


    Social Organs

    Below are the Governance references

    Board of Directors

    Angelo Facchini
    Ezio Rana
    Vice President
    Mario Rusconi
    Daniele Fontanelli
    Vittorio Moiraghi
    Valeria Vignolo


    Independent Auditors: Deloitte & Touche

    Board of Statutory Auditors

    Alfredo Bassi
    Mario Beccaria
    Statutory Auditor
    Francesca Di Donato
    Statutory Auditor
    Roberto Lonzar
    Alternate Auditor
    Simona Mazza
    Alternate Auditor