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Gas service: the actors involved

Connecting your home system to our network takes just a few steps. Each managed by a different actor.

The actors of the gas connection process.

The end consumer, the supplier, the installer and the distribution company: together to bring the gas wherever it is needed. Let’s see in detail who they are and what they do.

End consumer

You are the one who starts the connection process. The initial request starts with you.

  • Gli attori del gas


    It is the sales company that you choose and that will follow you in all connection and activation practices. The sales company will talk to us directly for all the necessary steps.

  • Gli attori del gas


    It is the professional who prepares and installs your internal system that is compliant, safe and in accordance with the law.

    • Gli attori del gas

      Distribution Company

      It's Italgas. On the day of the appointment (which the sales company fixes directly with us) we connect your system to our network and activate the gas supply.

    • Italgas and sales companies: what are the differences?

      The sales companies deal with the sale of gas, while at Italgas we deal with its distribution in the network and the management of the distribution system. Between us and the sales companies there is a continuous dialogue and collaboration, in particular for the reading of consumption. We carry out this activity and communicate the data to the supplier for invoicing.

      Useful links