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Objectives, actions and results

To concretely implement sustainability in the economic, financial, environmental and social fields, the Group has outlined shared strategic objectives and actions oriented towards the development of communities and territories, in line with its business model.

We are convinced that the processes of an economic activity are only really sustainable if they manage to preserve, increase or minimize the consumption of the capital which is used for the production of value.

A vision on which we have decided to invest effort and resources by developing a Sustainable Value Creation Plan ) that, starting from the analysis of the evolution of the external environment, Identifies objectives and actions that can have a positive impact on the capital we draw.

An innovative model, which we have articulated in three pillars to which correspond as many lines of action, with defined commitments and measurable targets: Planet, People and Partnerships.

Through this approach we place stakeholders at the center of our commitment, transparently implementing actions and projects to contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda and create long-term value, For the Group and all the actors involved.

Our performance

We communicate our sustainability performance to stakeholders, providing a transparent view of Italgas’ commitment and impact.

Since 2016 we have been reporting on our environmental, social and governance actions and achievements.
We started with our first Sustainability Report, and then from 2017 we prepared the Non-Financial Statement pursuant to Legislative Decree 254/2016. After three editions, in 2020 we have chosen to inaugurate a new season of our reporting by publishing the Italgas Group’s first Integrated Annual Report. The intention is to provide an effective and transparent representation of the company’s ability to create value over time, reporting financial and non-financial performance in an integrated manner.

We adopt the GRI Sustainability Reporting Standards, published in 2016 by the Global Reporting Initiative, according to the “In accordance – Core” option and refer to the guiding principles and content elements set out in the International Integrated Reporting Framework issued by the International Integrated Reporting Council.

In addition, the reported indicators are audited by an external company.

Dialogue and Priorities

Through our daily activities we aim to dialogue transparently with all our stakeholders, communicating clearly and consistently what we do, how we work, where we create value.

Discover our vision and projects

  • Our Sustainability Ambassador

    From personal awareness to collective awareness: with the project dedicated to Sustainability Ambassadors, we make people protagonists of our transformation path.

  • Digitalization for the transition

    With an increasingly widespread and digitized network, we contribute every day to the energy future of the country and to the development of renewable gases.

  • Innovation partnerships

    We actively participate in the development of the country through strategic and innovative collaborations, which generate shared value.