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What we do

We distribute gas, we are active in the water sector, in the energy efficiency sector and in digital innovation activities.

We distribute gas in Italy and Greece

We are the main operator for gas distribution in Italy and Greece. We monitor the state of the network in Italy and deal with the development of infrastructure in Greece, with targeted interventions and the installation of state-of-the-art meters.

Italy and Greece

We manage 82,034 kilometres of gas distribution network through which, during 2023, we distributed around 8,000 million cubic metres of gas to 7,974 thousand users. We continue to develop assets and carry out gas distribution activities in Italy and Greece. In 2023, we installed 600 kilometers of digital native networks in Greece and created 23,000 new connections.

Our commitment to the water network

Nepta is the Group’s company in which the activities of the water sector have been concentrated , serving, directly and indirectly, 6.2 million people in Lazio, Campania and Sicily. With Nepta we provide the experience and the best technologies developed on our networks to increase well-being, return value to communities.

Discover the water network


Through Bludigit, we operate in the field of technology by providing cutting-edge digital solutions and developing innovative applications for our business.

Energy efficiency

Through Geoside, our Energy Service Company (ESCo), we offer innovative solutions for Individuals, Companies and Public Administrations in order to reduce energy and environmental impact.