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The installer. An important partner

The installer, or installation company, collaborates with us to verify the safety of the utility system (post meter) and allow us to connect it to the distribution network.

Are you an installer and need to certify a customer's gas system?

If the system is subject to Del. ARERA n. 40/14, the end customer sends us the H/40 forms “Confirmation of the request for activation/reactivation of the gas supply” and I/40 “Certification of correct execution of the system” provided by the sales company or downloaded from the “My requests” section of MyItalgas (only after the sales company has registered the activation service). It’s simple, follow these steps.

Discover the steps to collaborate with us

What does the installer do?

The installer, or installation company, mainly deals with the commissioning of the user system, verifies its safety and compliance with current technical regulations by filling in the relevant documentation.

Only after receiving the documentation, and only in case of suitability, can the utility system be connected to the gas distribution network. Subsequently, the installer must commission the system (gas) and deliver to the end customer the Declaration of Conformity referred to in Ministerial Decree 37/08

Activation of a new gas system or reactivation after modification: our role

After the installer has completed his work on the system and has delivered the relevant documentation to the end customer, the latter sends it to us who ascertain (only documented and through technical personnel or external professionals) the compliance of the system with current technical regulations.

If the documentation is complete, exhaustive and suitable, we inform the end customer that they can make the appointment for activation with their sales company.

If the documentation is not suitable, we will communicate the reasons to the end customer who will have to correct the anomalies to his installer and then retransmit the correct/modified documentation.

  • Documentation assessment 40/14

    To transmit the 40/14 documentation, access the MyItalgas portal.

  • Checks on the safety of the systems

    Check the Authority's website to find out what the regulations and our FAQs provide

  • Examples and IGC Guidelines

    The publications of the Italian Gas Committee serve as guidelines that help the installer with concrete examples.