Our people

People are our value and our excellence. With their skills, expertise and experience, they are our key success factor.

Digitisation and innovation; inclusion and diversity. These are the values that guide us in the responsible management of our people.

We care about our people and their well-being. That is why we are committed to enhancing their career path and talents, which are the real driving force of the company. Indeed, protecting the diversity of each person is a value for our growth and we believe that investing in the unique identities of our employees is a crucial factor for the development of the society in which we live.

With this in mind, we promote a positive and inclusive working environment, to nurture everyone’s growth, passions and diversity, taking care of them every day.

People are the heart of the Group: thanks to their skills and diversity, they stimulate us to improve our processes and the way we work.

Total number of employees. (4,341 with the affiliates)
of the company's population has an open-ended contract (full time or apprenticeship)
Number of new recruits. 2023, Italy and Greece.

We place listening at the heart of the management and development of the Group’s employees.

We implement initiatives and projects that stem from a desire to provide a stimulating environment in which talents can emerge and passions can flourish. We do this for our own resources, whose pride encourages us to get better and better.

Valuing people and their skills

We invest in the growth of our talents in the company and offer tailor-made training and career development paths. Digital transformation and energy transition are at the heart of our development plans, which provide all the tools you need to become an expert in these two areas and make concrete contributions to the company’s projects. The Digital Factory, our digital idea factory, La Digital Factory, makes a fundamental contribution to the development of digital skills.

In 2020, we have activated a programme of upgrading and acquiring new skills, upskilling and reskilling. With the Strategic Plan 2023-2029 the target to 2029 is now to devote 45 hours per employee per year on average to training.

Starting from 2020 we developed the “digital learning” programme: distance learning courses in digital mode. In addition to topics related to digital evolution and business, we offer training on our ethical and sustainability principles related to anti-corruption policies and procedures.

Training hours

More than 40 hours on average per employee.

Hours of training by age range
<30 years with 36,776 h
between 30 and 50 years with 72,467 h
>50 years with 64,087 h


Multimedia cloud platform

MyLearning, the multimedia cloud platform dedicated to training.


5,286 hours of anti-corruption training.

New recruits programme

The training course dedicated to young graduates joining the Group continued in a fully digital format, with specific interventions on the history, culture and skills, values and identity elements of Italgas.

2023 data, Italy and Greece.

Our Ambassador Communities

In 2020 we set up a community of 65 Digital Ambassadors, present in all the Group’s locations, to support the transfer of digital knowledge in Italgas. Based on the success of this initiative, we have devised a Cultural Change Plan 2021-2023 that envisages an evolution of the figure of the ambassadors, who are increasingly present in the Group to deal with issues relating to sustainability, diversity and inclusion.

  • Ambassadors for sustainability
    In all corporate functions to disseminate sustainability issues.
  • Awareness Ambassadors
    They work on specific projects within Italgas.
  • Community Ambassadors
    On the ground, able to grasp the needs and peculiarities of territories.
  • Diversity & Inclusion Ambassador
    In order to build an action plan on gender equality, ageing, digital divide.

Our people

Our people are the energy that drives the Group. We invest in their growth and professional development. Discover our training and young talent programmes.

Promoting a positive and inclusive working environment

We support diversity, in all its forms and manifestations, and ensure inclusion at different levels of the organisation. It is our corporate asset, a value for the growth of all of us, of the Group and of Italy.

Presence of women

20.3% Presence of women
out of 4,297 total employees.


other 400 young new recruits of which almost 29% were women, in the last 3 years.

Recent graduates

48% women in the placement of recent graduates.

Manifesto for Women’s Employment

We adhere to the Value D Manifesto for Women’s Employment.


Thanks to our tools and collaboration with SAP, we make our portals accessible to everyone.

Data up to 2022.

Digital transformation means inclusion of all genders. A change that has created new opportunities in the company for Stem profiles.

Paolo Gallo
Chief Executive Officer

Our Diversity and Inclusion Policy

We are committed to avoiding any form of discrimination in employment, promoting a culture in which people recognise the value of diversity, and continuing to develop programmes and initiatives dedicated to inclusion in its various meanings. To confirm this commitment, over a year ago we adopted a Diversity and Inclusion Policy that implements some of the fundamental principles of our Code of Ethics, involves all Italgas people and suppliers and also applies to relations with all stakeholders.

Italgas together with Valore D for gender equality



Also in 2020 we have renewed our partnership with Valore D, the first association of companies in Italy which, for over ten years, has been committed to spreading a culture of inclusion within our country. As part of the initiatives to enhance the diversity of gender, generations and cultures, around 25 colleagues participated in inter-company training programmes and workshops aimed at developing inclusive leadership skills.

In addition to this concrete commitment with Valore D, in November 2020 we also decided to adhere to its Manifesto for Women’s Employment: this is a document addressed to companies and institutions that develops nine main points dedicated to gender equality. Its aim is to define precise tools, in line with the indicators of the Global Reporting Initiative, to promote concrete actions aimed at valuing and including diversity in all business processes.

The Manifesto addresses issues such as innovation, sustainability, agile working and the impact of gender diversity on economic growth and development. Through this membership, we are committed to gradually achieving the identified objectives,with targeted actions and constant monitoring.

Rew digital portals accessible to all


Together with SAP we have started a project to make our IT systems accessible to everyone, including people with disabilities. We have developed a ‘screen reader’ that uses speech synthesis to easily guide the user through the sites, enabling blind people to work more effectively and efficiently, for example in managing emails and surfing the web. Thanks to this collaboration, we were able to develop an innovative solution for the benefit of the entire market. One of the most significant and innovative results concerns the translation of screen reader scripts into Italian, which can be used with the SAP GUI. This is an achievement from which all Italian companies that adopt this management system will benefit.

We take care of people

We promote the well-being of our people and develop projects to enhance them and ensure their personal and professional balance. This allows us to live sustainably, both in our private and working lives. As an example, the welfare system we offer our Italian employees consists of numerous initiatives, such as the Flexible Benefit Plan, remote working with Smart Working and leisure and family activities.

Welfare system

Find out more about the welfare initiatives we offer our employees.

We promote remote working to support the well-being of our employees

Smart working conditions continue to be used in line with the agreements in place.

We protect health and safety

The health and safety of our people, our employees and our customers is paramount in the day-to-day running of our business.

Safe working environment

That’s why we provide a safe working environment, invest in a proactive safety culture and in the digitisation of our networks.

Our social performance

Custom underline

Explore and deepen the results of our 2021 commitment, social and otherwise.

performance sociali

Italgas as told by our employees

Our people are our pride and our drive for growth. But how do they describe us?

People at the centre

Our people are our excellence and we are constantly looking for new talent, so that we can grow together.

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