Nepta is the Italgas company in which the Group's investments and water activities have been concentrated.
Nepta was founded on 16 October 2023, coinciding with the acquisition by the French group Veolia Environnement S.A. of the business unit responsible for the concessions held in Italy in the water sector.
Nepta directly manages the water distribution service in Caserta and in 4 municipalities in the province: Galluccio, Baia and Latina, Roccaromana and Casaluce. The Company owns 75% of Siciliacque, an overreach operator, 49% of Acqualatina, the company that manages the water service integrated into ATO 4 – Southern Lazio and, together with the shareholding held by Italgas Reti, 96.23% of Acqua Campania, a concessionaire of the Campania Region for the management of the Western Campania Aqueduct (ACO) and the S. Sofia system.

Nepta, a story that comes from afar
Nepta is the new company of the Italgas Group that operates in the water sector and which has also inherited the concessions previously held by Italgas Acqua.
Social organs
Below are the Governance references
Board of Directors
Stefano Mereu
Paolo Pizzari
Chief Executive Officer
Valeria Vignolo
Valeria Quaranta
Raffaella Marcuccio
Lorenzo Romeo
Independent Auditors: Deloitte & Touche
Board of Statutory Auditors
Leo Amato
Francesca Di Donato
Statutory Auditor
Laura Raselli
Statutory Auditor
Antonio Santi
Alternate Auditor
Paola Simonelli
Alternate Auditor