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June 2020

Main achievements in 2019

The initiatives implemented allowed Italgas to reach a 79% completion level of the 2019-2025 Sustainability Plan in its first year.

Five strategic pillars of the plan

 1. Develop the sustainability culture  

  • Filling in six ESG rating questionnaires, vs four questionnaires planned
  • Six sustainability indices in which the Italgas share was included in 2019
  • Development of a supplier rating system that includes sustainability issues
  • Administration of a “pilot” sustainability questionnaire to 120 suppliers


 2. Put the people at the centre

  • Adoption of a Diversity Policy
  • A Company climate analysis conducted, with a 77% response rate
  • Involvement of nearly 1,000 students in work-school alternation projects
  • 192 new hires, of which 81% under 30 years and 26% women
  • Over 4,000 employees in total
  • Around 84,000 hours of training provided, i.e. 20.5 hours on average per employee


 3. Create value for the community

  • 697,000 euro invested for sponsorships and charitable donations
  • Completion of the delivery of the 1,500 computers gifted to schools in the municipalities damaged by the earthquake in the regions of Abruzzo, Lazio, Marche and Umbria
  • Organization of 4 safety walks for schools, with over 400 students involved


 4. Create value for customers and the market

  • 654 million euro distributed to stakeholders
  • 7 million smart meters installed in total, of which 2.1 million only in 2019
  • Organization of 2 webinars with the involvement of 64 sales companies
  • Implementation of a pilot project of customer satisfaction for sales companies
  • Creation of a portal for complaints management, which will be operational in the second half of 2020


 5. Contribuire to the efficiency and security of the energy system 

  • Increase in the number of re-delivery points in areas that still use LPG or other fuels, with approximately 2,600 new re-delivery points activated
  • 18.2 km of network replaced with lead hemp joints
  • 100% of the service fleet replaced with methane-powered car           
  • Start of works on the sites of 30 network extensions for conversion to methane in as many fractions; 13 of these completed and converted to methane in 2019


 Italgas commitment on ESG issues has been acknowledged by the market

In 2019, Italgas was included for the first time in the selected list of shares that constitute the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) World by RobecoSAM.




The share was also included for the third consecutive year in the series of FTSE4Good indices.




In 2019, Italgas saw its AA rating confirmed by MSCI.



Italgas was confirmed for the second year in the indices ECPI Euro ESG Equity and ECPI World ESG Equity.



In 2019 Italgas was also included again by CDP in the Climate Change B list.



Lastly, for the first time the Company received the E+ sustainability rating, with a stable outlook, from the non-financial rating agency Standard Ethics.

In 2019, Italgas produced an adjusted gross added value of 1,207 million euro (153 million more than in 2018).

A significant portion of this figure remained within the Company, mainly for amortization, depreciation and impairment (408 million euro).

The remaining 799 million euro were distributed to:

  • Employees, as salaries, wages, severance pay and costs for services to staff
  • Shareholders, as dividends
  • Public Administration, for direct and indirect taxes and levies
  • Lenders, for debt interest.