Our culture
We are paving the way for the energy system of tomorrow. Innovation is the main driver of growth for our people and the Group.
Digitisation and innovation; inclusion and diversity. These are the key principles that guide our actions and allow us to lead Italy towards the energy transition.
Today it is the leading natural gas distributor in Italy and the third in Europe. But we don’t just distribute gas. As a group, we also deal with water in Campania and, thanks to the acquisition of Geoside, we operate in the energy efficiency sector.
Today we are facing an important process of growth and innovation and to do so we count on our people, the true value of the Group.
Our Group
For 186 years, we have been present in Italy, contributing to the economic and social development of the country and promoting its sustainable growth.
We count on the value of our people who, day after day, determine the growth of the Group. In fact, through our subsidiaries, we are present in the country’s major cities – including Turin, Rome, Naples and Venice. We are active in the gas distribution sector (Italgas Reti, Medea, Metano S.Angelo Lodigiano, Toscana Energia e Umbria Gas Distribution) and water (Italgas Water), in the energy efficiency sector (Geoside).
Our guiding principles
We take care of people and invest in their talents. To do this, we are guided by our principles, which form the basis of the Italgas Group’s culture.
Digitisation and innovation
Our people are the protagonists of the digital transformation process that the Group has been undertaking for more than two years.
For this reason it is important to spread a corporate culture linked to digital transformation, which allows all people to develop their skills and capabilities in the field of digital innovation.
Just to further enhance the contribution of people and internal know-how and offer a training program on digital skills, in the last year a specific program was created to promote the Digital Transformation which saw the birth of a community of 65 Digital Ambassador – present in all areas of the headquarters and on the territory – who contributed to supporting the transfer of digital knowledge in Italgas with the availability to get involved as internal teachers, participating with commitment and proactiveness in the proposed training initiatives.
To support this process, we have recently developed our Cultural Change Plan , which starts from the Digital Factory, our laboratory of ideas and innovation, and continues towards a widespread culture of innovation in the company, with gradual processes involving all our people.
Digital Factory: when talent generates innovation
The Digital Factory is Italgas’ ideas factory. The aim is to create a new way of working, tackling problems and seeking solutions. The physical space invites everyone to share, to work together and to focus on the common goal. Within each room there are around 20 colleagues with different experiences, skills and seniority but all with a common desire to find new solutions.
“When I think that when I joined the company there were no computers and today I am witnessing the entry of augmented reality, I understand the leap that Italgas has made. We have truly become an innovative and international reality.”
Inclusion and diversity
The true value of the Group is the diversity of our people who, with their individual values and experiences, contribute to the growth of each of us.
Italgas reaffirms its attention to people and its commitment to gender equality and its attention to diversity issues, renewing its collaboration with associations such as Valore D and STEM by Women.
In addition to having joined to the Manifesto for Female Employment, in recent years Italgas’ commitment has resulted in the hiring about 500 young people in the last 4 years, of which almost 45% are women, in the technical / operational areas (engineering, design, investments, technical offices and plants).
As for the hiring of recent graduates, over 52% of the new profiles are represented by female professionals. During 2020, various initiatives were carried out in Southern Italy to enhance the female component. For this category, apprenticeship contracts went from 0 in 2018 to 19 in 2020.
By 2029 we have the goal of increasing gender representation, providing for 28% of women in leadership roles.
Gender Equality
The Italgas Group represents a strong Italian industrial reality and therefore, in line with the Group’s strategic objectives, the holding company has created a new management system to meet the requirements of the Uni Pdr 125:2022 standard and obtain the corresponding certification for “Gender Equality” in 2023.
We are committed to the values of the UN 2030 Agenda and believe that gender equality is not only a fundamental right, but also the necessary prerequisite for a prosperous and sustainable world.
The Group is strongly committed to the development of programs and policies to promote diversity, inclusion and gender equality in its multiple meanings, starting with the formalization and adoption of a specific policy to be created in consultation with the Steering Committee.
The Committee also deals with the proposed Strategic Plan, which summarizes all the initiatives that address the different topics mentioned in the practice of UNI PdR 125:2022.
As also provided for in the regulations, the individual initiatives are analyzed and those to be implemented are selected, including the determination of the resources to be allocated.
In order to involve and sensitize employees on the issue, specific training/information activities are developed on the issues referred to in the practice, as required by the regulations, so a specific communication plan has been drawn up that targets both group employees and external users as well as various suppliers.
Gender equality reference documents
Diversity, Gender equality, Inclusion, Prevention of discrimination, and protection of the dignity of group personnel policy
We contribute to diversity in Italgas and in our country
The innovation process pursued by Italgas in recent years has entailed a constant search for new STEM (Science Technology Engineering Mathematics) profiles, both in the management and development of the gas network and in other areas of business, such as the Digital Factory, who are pursuing the Group’s digital transformation process. Italgas always makes sure to look externally too, as shown by all the projects and initiatives pursued together with some of the most important schools and universities of the country, such as, for example, the Grow Data Girls project with the Luiss Business School, which has just started up again with a new edition of the challenge and the adhesion to Stem By Women, an association of businesses established with the aim of encouraging girls to take up scientific and technological studies.
Generating new opportunities for young professionals with Luiss Business School
We participate in the Grow Data Girls project with Luiss Business School. The aim is to develop career opportunities for young professionals and to provide tools for their professional development. Our commitment continues into 2021, with a new edition of the project.
We are committed every day to valuing the uniqueness of people and promoting inclusion in all Group companies, with the aim of ensuring a positive working environment. We initiate partnerships to stimulate inclusion and diversity culture in the company, developing projects for accessibility and inclusion.
Our Group
We don’t just distribute gas, but also water and energy efficiency, with a mission to achieve the decarbonisation of our country by 2050.
Growing in Italgas
In order to reconfirm these values and objectives, Italgas continues to invest in developing the skills and abilities of collaborators and promotes participation, dialogue and the creation of a positive work environment.