“Always at work, so you never notice.”
At the end of the 180th anniversary of its foundation celebrated in 2017, Italgas launches its new institutional campaign, which aims to enhance the hard-working and constant presence in the cities where it operates; a presence not always immediately perceptible due to the "underground dimension" of many activities.
After about two centuries of history, Italgas is still the most important operator in the gas distribution sector in Italy and the third largest in Europe, with 1,697 municipalities served, 4077 people employed, over 7.5 million active meters and more than 9 billion cubic meters of natural gas supplied per year.
The campaign shows the world of Italgas bringing to light the network that runs under our cities and that every day distributes gas in the homes of Italians. Behind simple gestures such as opening the hot water tap, turning on the gas cooker or looking for the warmth of the radiator there are over 67,000 km of underground network and the work of an entire Group. A world largely hidden, but always at work to make everything work well: that of Italgas.
Hence the campaign concept "Always at work so that you never notice": when everything works, you don't notice the activities that allow you to have gas at home. But if you look closely, you can see a great job, strong skills and a great passion. It's the Italgas story. The numbers say it.
The "underground world" of Italgas is represented in a futuristic way and talks about the digitalization of the net, of flying machines but with the human faces of technicians at work: everyday life today and tomorrow that mix together.
A representation as faithful as possible to reality reconstructed from real elements of our activity reinterpreted in an innovative way, consistent with the Group's digitization objectives.
The campaign, which started today (September 12), is launched in the main national newspapers.
Follow the campaign also on profiles Twitter, Instagram e Linkedin of Italgas.