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Italgas between sustainability and finance: inclusion in the CDP and Standard Ethics Rating indexes

Marco Porro, Investor Relations Manager: "These awards confirm and enhance our credibility with investors." Italgas does +2 in sustainability and confirms its commitment on this issue. In fact, the company was recently confirmed in the prestigious CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project) index and received a positive rating from the Standard Ethics Rating. Two awards, issued by two important British organisations, which testify to the company's good work in the areas of environmental sustainability and governance. "The continuous search for sustainability, in all its dimensions, represents for Italgas part of its corporate culture - comments Italgas' Investor Relations Manager, Marco Porro - the inclusion in the main sustainability indexes is a consequence of the progressive commitment of the entire company on this issue. A commitment that has now become a modus operandi for us".

Italgas leading company in sustainability

Not only CDP and Standard Ethics, therefore, Italgas is already known to investors as a leading company in this field. A company strategy recognized and consolidated over time. "Precisely for this reason," explains Porro, "I would not focus only on the last two results. It is necessary to make an overall assessment of the indices in which Italgas has been progressively included". The company led by Paolo Gallo, in fact, over the years has obtained important results and awards from many organizations with the inclusion in the main international sustainability indexes: from the FTSE4Good Index to Sustainalytics, passing through the fundamental one of the Dow Jones Sustainability Index World and the confirmation, always in 2019, of the MSCI World Energy Index, up to theECPI Euro ESG Equity and the ECPI World ESG Equity. In the light of all this, the last two achievements in this area can only be an additional source of satisfaction. As far as Standard Ethics Ratings are concerned, we have reached the E+range, a positive assessment of the level of compliance with a number of sustainability and governance principles dictated by the European Union, the United Nations and also theOECD. An assessment that not only concerns companies but also states," adds the head of Investor Relations.  Also not to be underestimated is the recognition received by the CDP, an international index that aims to support companies that have distinguished themselves in actions to combat climate change.  "The CDP had already identified us in 2017 as an attentive company in the energy and gas sector - explains Porro - at the moment we have been included in the B List. We can therefore consider ourselves satisfied, but at the same time we can say that our journey does not end here".