Italgas is one of the success stories of Apple
Technology is an opportunity capable of revolutionizing the way that companies work. An opportunity which Italgas has been able to fully grasp: the company has been included among the success stories of Apple.
Deploying approximately 2,500 iPads to technicians and workers who work on infrastructures or with customers -, Italgas has revolutionized some of the activities related to gas distribution. The project envisaged the endowment for the technical staff of an iPad and Gas2Go, an app that facilitates work: technicians receive the list of activities to be performed directly on the device, they can request support through FaceTime, record all customer data, and optimize transfers via Apple Maps.
Gas2Go has allowed the reduction of about 30% of the daily mileage, the resulting reduction Of CO2 emissions and the activation of a paperless process with the progressive elimination of Paperwork documentation. With the introduction of GasToGo, a marked increase was also noted average completion of the activities, with a significant 100% increase in productivity.
“Our employees have embraced iPad with great enthusiasm. For some it’s the first time they’ve had a digital identity. They now have complete control of their day’s work, a better quality of work and enjoy being able to provide a higher level of customer service.”, said Gloria Gazzano, CIO of Italgas.
Italgas' history has been suited for innovation for 180 years - a value that inspire present and future.