Italgas restarts: services active in Phase 2
More than 2 months after the beginning of the Covid19 emergency, Italgas restarts at the beginning of Phase 2. From the beginning of the "lockdown" until today, in fact, the company has continued to guarantee in the field all the essential services related to the efficiency, continuity and safety of the gas distribution service.
In the same way we have carried out the new activations and reactivations in order to ensure new users the service and "normality" of life at home, thanks to the daily use of gas.
In compliance with Legislative Decree no. 33 of May 16, 2020 DPCM of April 26, 2020, the requirements imposed by the ARERA and the indications of the Ministry of Economic Development, Italgas continues to provide essential services, including activations and reactivations, also in Phase 2 and, in addition, returns to take charge of all other service requests on utilities that do not involve entry into individual private homes, such as for example:
- New connections
- Counter replacements
- Deactivations
- Suspensions and interruptions of supplies due to delinquency
- Readings
- Estimates for work on plants and meters and related inspections
- Checks on malfunctioning meters