Shareholders’ Meeting: 12 May 2020
The ordinary session of the Shareholders’ Meeting of Italgas is called, in a single call, for 12 May 2020, at 11.00 a.m., in Milan, Via Carlo Bo 11, to discuss and resolve upon the agenda of which at the Notice of Shareholders’ Meeting.
In view of the ongoing health emergency related to the COVID-19 epidemic, it will be possible to follow the live streaming from the link below.
Instructions to access streaming:
Starting from 11:00 a.m. you can watch the Meeting live streaming.
After clicking on the link below, you will land on the platform access page.
Once on the page, click on "Register" and fill in the required fields (as user you can enter, for example, your company email and as a password one of your choice).
After filling in the registration form, click on one of the two boxes with the preview of the live event in order to choose the language you prefer (Italian or English) and then click on the "Play" icon.