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Italgas: approved results for the first half 2017

Milan, 28 July 2017 – Italgas Board of Directors, met yesterday, approved the Consolidated Half-Year Report as at 30 June 2017*. Key figures Consolidated economic and financial highlights:
  • Total revenue: €565 million (+9.5%)
  • EBITDA: €390 million (+21.9%)
  • EBIT: €204 million (+14.6%)
  • Net profit: €140 million (+23.1%)
  • Net cash flow from operating activities: €329 million (+12.7%)
  • Technical investments: €243 million (+59.6%)
  • Net financial debt: €3,682 million
Operating highlights (including affiliates):
  • Gas concessions: 1,581
  • Number of active meters: 7.4 million
  • Gas distribution network: more than 65,000 Km
Paolo Gallo, CEO of Italgas, commented: “We are closing the first half of 2017 with growth in all our economic and financial indicators, thanks to the positive effects of programmes to streamline processes, manage operating costs and optimise finances launched in recent months. This has resulted in increases of approximately 22% in EBITDA and 23% in net profit. These results enable us to pursue our strategic objectives with a commitment to sustainable and profitable growth for our stakeholders. In particular, we will continue with implementing the planned investments in the meter replacement, the network development and replacement initiatives and the application of digital technology solutions that will allow us to generate efficiencies and benefits for the entire Italian distribution gas system”. *Subject to a limited audit Summary The results for the first half of 2017 are in line with stated market objectives and confirm that the Group has made good progress along its path of steady and profitable growth. The financial results show a 14.6% increase in EBIT and 23.1% in net profit, achieved through the optimisation of company structures and internal processes, the progress of efficiency gains, maintaining the cost of debt below 1%. Technical investments made in the half totalled €243 million, a 60% increase compared with the same period in 2016, and in line with the objective of more than €500 million in investments by the end of 2017. Nearly 50% of the investment went towards the implementation of the replacement programme of traditional meters with electronic smart meters. In the first half of the year, over 800,000 smart meters were installed, accounting for 12% of the total meter of the Group. To date, following considerable technical, organisational and financial efforts, approximately 2 million smart meters were installed, with the aim of completing the replacement of all the meters between 2019 and 2020. Operating free cash flow amounted to €329 million in H1, which supported the financing of the investment programme and the dividend payment for the 2016 fiscal year, while maintaining a net financial position below €3.7 billion as at 30 June 2017.