Italgas’ Board of Directors approved changes the members of the Board Committees
Milan, 22 February 2023 - The Italgas Board of Directors, chaired by Benedetta Navarra, met today and approved the change in the composition of the Board Committees, appointing Director Fabiola Mascardi as Chairwoman of the Appointments and Compensation Committee and Director Lorenzo Parola as Chairman of the Sustainable Value Creation Committee.
The Board Committees therefore consist of the following:
Appointments and Compensation Committee
* Non-executive independent director in accordance with the CLF and the Corporate Governance Code ** Non-executive director *** Non-executive independent director in accordance with the CLF
- Fabiola Mascardi* (Chairwoman)
- Claudio De Marco*
- Manuela Sabbatini**
- Lorenzo Parola*** (Chairman)
- Maria Sferruzza**
- Qinjing Shen**
- Gianmarco Montanari* (Chairman)
- Claudio De Marco*
- Manuela Sabbatini**
* Non-executive independent director in accordance with the CLF and the Corporate Governance Code ** Non-executive director *** Non-executive independent director in accordance with the CLF