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The Board of Directors appoints Paolo Gallo as Chief Executive Officer. Amendments to the calendar of corporate events 2022

Turin, 26 April 2022 – Italgas’ Board of Directors, which met today in Turin in plenary session under the chairmanship of Ms Benedetta Navarra, appointed Mr Paolo Gallo as Chief Executive Officer, conferring on him the powers to manage the Company with the exception of specific duties reserved by law, bylaws, or a resolution of the Board of Directors for the Board or for the Chairman, who holds a non-executive role. The CEO is also assigned the duties of Chief Executive Officer for the purposes of establishing and maintaining an effective internal control and risk management system.

The Board of Directors, on the basis of the information provided by the parties concerned, also assessed - with reference to all 9 Directors - the compliance with the limitations on the accumulation of offices pursuant to the resolution of Italgas' Board of Directors of 21 February 2022,  that there are no grounds for ineligibility or incompatibility and that they possess the integrity requirements laid down by current legislation; it also ascertained, on the basis of declarations made, that the Chairman, Ms Benedetta Navarra, and the Directors Claudio De Marco, Fabiola Mascardi and Gianmarco Montanari possess the requirements of independence required by the articles 147-ter, subsection 4, and 148, subsection 3, of the Consolidated Law on Finance and by Article 2 of the Corporate Governance Code (also in consideration of the qualitative and quantitative criteria approved by the Board of Directors to assess the importance of commercial, financial or professional relationships and additional remuneration). The Director Mr Lorenzo Parola declared that he possesses the independence requirements pursuant to articles 147-ter, subsection 4 and 148, subsection 3, of the Consolidated Law on Finance.

The Board of Directors, on the basis of the assessment carried out toady by the Board of Statutory Auditors, therefore acknowledged that there are no grounds for ineligibility, forfeiture and incompatibility as regards the Statutory Auditors, that they possess the requirements of professionalism and integrity prescribed in accordance with Italian Ministerial Decree No. 162 of 30 March 2000, as specified in art. 20.1 of the Bylaws, and that they comply with the limits of accumulation of offices held and possess the requirements of independence envisaged by the law and by the Corporate Governance Code (also considering the above mentioned qualitative and quantitative criteria).

The Board also verified that the composition of the Board itself and of the Board of Statutory Auditors complied with the provisions of the law and bylaws in force on gender equality. As of today the Company specifies, to the best of its knowledge, that Paolo Gallo holds 350,862 shares of Italgas S.p.A.

The curricula vitae of Directors and Statutory Auditors are available on the website, on the Board of Directors and Board of Statutory Auditors pages, respectively.

Italgas finally pointed out that in today’s meeting the Board of Directors resolved to amend the calendar of corporate events for the year 2022, anticipated to 2 May 2022 the meeting of the Board of Directors for the approval of the Interim Report on Operations as at 31 March 2022, originally set for 4 May 2022; on the same day the results will be disclosed to the market and the conference call will take place at 4pm CET for the purpose of explaining the results to the financial community.

The calendar of corporate events is available at:
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