Dialogue and priorities

We dialogue with our stakeholders and actively involve them in order to understand their priorities and identify solutions of long-term value.

Through our daily activities we aim to create shared value for all our stakeholders.

Every day we contribute to the development and economic and social evolution of the country, generating impacts around us. That is why we initiate a transparent and active dialogue with the aim of understand the needs of all our stakeholders and identify solutions of shared value.

It is only through solid and transparent relationships that we can deepen what is really relevant to the people we interact with and capture their valuable insights to improve ourselves and meet their expectations.

We are committed to growing a culture of sustainability by creating value that, starting from our people, reaches the whole territory.

Paolo Gallo
CEO of Italgas

Who are our stakeholders

Every year we activate a constructive process of listening and dialogue with internal and external stakeholders.

We map the main categories of stakeholders with whom we have a relationship of trust and engage in transparent dialogue through stakeholder engagement activities throughout the year.

Communities and local areas


Why it is important
For us, the territory and local communities are the privileged place where the social utility of our business is realised. Maintaining a continuous and active dialogue with communities at all levels is essential to effectively implement our growth and sustainable development plans.

Stakeholder engagement activities 2020-2023
Meetings with representatives of local communities, associations and organisations; social and cultural initiatives.


Customers and sales companies


Why it is important
One of our main objectives is to continuously improve the service we offer to end consumers, with whom we have direct and indirect relationships, working together with sales companies.

Stakeholder engagement activities 2020-2023
Direct, ongoing relationship with the sales personnel through dedicated dialogue channels; periodic workshops with sales companies; interactions with end customers through the customer portals; customer satisfaction surveys.



Why it is important
We consider our people to be the strength of Italgas. That’s why we take care of them and encourage them to become the voice and image of the company in their territories, bringing the group’s vision and values to customers and becoming enablers of new innovation processes.

Stakeholder engagement activities 2020-2023
Training events; periodic meetings; annual meetings to discuss career development paths; newsletters; company environment analyses; company Intranet.

Investors and lenders


Why it is important
Comprehensive and timely communication with the financial community, analysts and investors is a strategic lever of value creation.

We regularly communicate our financial and non-financial strategies and activities, focusing on our sustainability or ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) performance. Such information can be of added value to the financial community and to our shareholders, a significant proportion of whom are SRI (Sustainable and Responsible Investment) investors who base their investment decisions on ethical principles and the analysis of non-financial variables.

Stakeholder engagement activities 2020-2023
Periodic financial reports and conference calls about these; presentation of the business plan; shareholders’ meeting; physical and on-line meetings and conference calls with analysts and investors, also focusing specifically on SRI matters; corporate website; social networks.




Why it is important
In recent years, we have been committed to strengthening our involvement with our suppliers because we recognise the importance of building lasting and trusting relationships along our supply chain.

Stakeholder engagement activities 2020-2023
Dedicated meetings, supplier conventions; annual engagement initiatives.


Authorities, Institutions and Industry Associations


Why it is important
Relations with Public Institutions and Industry associations are essential to keep up to date with the legislative and regulatory developments taking place at national and European level and, consequently, for the correct and efficient conduct and development of business. Given the high complexity of the sector, in addition to ensuring that good institutional relationships and transparency are maintained, we set specific management systems but also cultivate specific skills internally. The most important point of reference for Italgas are the Regulatory Authorities responsible for regulating the entire natural gas distribution sector, from determining and updating tariffs to preparing rules for access to infrastructure and providing related services.

For several years now, Italgas has been cooperating and dialoguing in a structured and continuous manner with the world of Consumer Associations, on the basis of an equal relationship and mutual trust, aiming both at improving the relationship with the end user and the quality of the service provided, and at increasing consumer awareness of the qualities of natural gas and how to use it.

Stakeholder engagement activities in 2020-2023
Periodic meetings; continuous dialogue and workshops for debate and discussion on an Italian and international level.

As the first operator in Italian and Greek gas distribution and the third in Europe, Italgas actively participates in the activities of various national and international associations for the protection, optimisation and development of the segment. Its participation is manifested through the active participation in working groups within the associations, which discuss and define the organisation’s position on operative and policy matters, including those related to energy transition and the decarbonization of the gas sector.Italgas’ participation as an active member in these organisations allows the Group to monitor and help define the positions taken and guarantee an alignment with the Group’s commitments and strategy on such topics, including those that impact the capacity to achieve the objectives set forth in the Paris Agreements. Italgas manages relations with authorities at various levels, trade associations, public administrations, consumers associations, following principles of transparency and fairness. 


Promoting Dialogue through partnerships – management system
Italgas’ “Operating Instructions for Institutional and Regulatory Reporting” is the document that rules, among other things, lobbying activities and relations with external associations, including trade associations.

The operating instruction defines the rules and governance of such activities, establishing roles and responsibilities and covering all the jurisdictions in which Italgas operates, both at national and European level. In particular, the Institutional and Regulatory Affairs function manages the operational processes and involves, where necessary, the competent functions or the management team. The Head of the Institutional and Regulatory Affairs Function is a member of the Executive Committee and reports to the Chief Executive Officer. The 231 Model and the Code of Ethics also rule how relations with those entities should be carried over.

Alignment with the Group’s sustainability objectives and the consistency of company positions with the pursuit of the targets set in the Paris Agreements constitutes a precise commitment for Italgas, which is also guaranteed in its corporate positioning on public policies, during lobbying activities and through the membership in trade associations, as for the management system in place.

Regarding lobbying activities, the Institutional and Regulatory Affairs function, in managing and reviewing the process, ensures alignment and keeps track of activities, including the update of public registers.

With reference to Italgas’ participation as an active member of the trade associations, the Institutional and Regulatory Affairs function monitors and evaluates, at least once a year, the membership proposals. It also oversees the process through which the positions expressed by the associations are formed, to ensure alignment with Group strategy and commitments, including sustainability pledges and the ability to achieve the goals set out in the Paris Agreement.

In the event of a clear misalignment of the positions of the individual Associations with respect to corporate positions and the goals of the Paris Agreements, the Group initiates a dialogue with such organizations, defining the timescales for resolving the misalignment. The Group may decide not to renew membership if the misalignment persists.

Every year – or when deemed necessary – a review of the positions taken to influence the preparation and dissemination of the position papers, the policy making activity and regulatory production is carried out, both vis-à-vis trade associations and political decision-makers.

The reporting of these activities is publicly available in the public registers, in the consultation documents and in the Annual Integrated Report. Italgas also keeps internal registers.


Ethical and sound relationships

Relations with our stakeholders are carried out in an ethical manner, in accordance with strict policies, a Group code of ethics and a dedicated code of ethics for suppliers.

From listening to stakeholders to material issues

As a result of listening to stakeholders, we analyse their suggestions. This analysis is called ‘materiality analysis’ and allows us to identify the priorities that guide our sustainability strategy.

The materiality matrix

The methodology used by the Group consisted of four stages:

  1. Identification of impacts generated by Italgas and updating of material topics
  2. Evaluation of material topics from the point of view of the impacts generated by the Group and collection of stakeholder expectations
  3. Involvement of Top Management to explain the findings, collect further feedback and validate the analysis
  4. Evaluation of the impacts suffered by the Group from a Financial Materiality perspective through interviews with Top Management

The Integrated Annual Report drafts, that also include the consolidated non-financial statement pursuant to legislative decree 254/2016 of which the materiality assessment is a part of, are approved by the BoD and submitted to the Annual General Meeting for shareholders’ approval.

The 2022-2028 Strategic Plan

We integrate business and sustainability to grow responsibly in the long term.

Objectives and actions

We create value for our stakeholders through sustainability goals and ambitious projects.

Reporting Hub

We communicate our performance and documents transparently.

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