Biomethane Plants
Gas produced from renewable sources such as biomethane can be fed into existing infrastructures and used like other sources to support growing energy needs.
Anyone with a biomethane plant has the option of applying for connection to the transmission network or the distribution network. At Italgas, we believe in the concrete opportunities of biomethane plants and its advantages for a zero-emission economy by 2050. That is why, as distribution network operators, we take care of connecting biomethane plants who request it, as long as the feeding into the distribution system does not pose technical problems or risks in terms of general safety. In order for biomethane to be fed into the grid, it must have certain chemical and physical characteristics laid down in European and national legislation and in the applicable technical reference standards.
We are committed to offering biomethane producers maximum transparency by facilitating access to our networks, while respecting the quality and safety of the service.
The characteristics of biomethane
Biomethan to cut CO2 emission
Biomethane is derived from biodegradable waste and injected into existing infrastructures, it plays a key role in cutting emissions CO2 emissions in Europe and achieving carbon neutrality by 2050. According to the Gas for Climate Consortium, the Italian Biogas Consortium and the European Biogas Association, an annual production of more than 120 billion cubic metres can be achieved, saving approximately 140 billion euros.
The Future of Gas
Il futuro del gas
How to apply for connection of your biomethane plant to the grid
All connection requests must be submitted to the main transportation company as specified at the following link where you will find the provisions regarding the connection of biomethane plants to gas networks introduced by the Regulatory Authority for Energy, Networks and Environment with Resolutions 220/2023/R/gas and 131/2024/R/gas.
According to the provisions in the Optimization Procedure attachment, the producer will be directed towards the distribution/transport company that offers the best solution.
Other useful information for the plant connection request following the Optimization Procedure
The connection request entails the payment of a deposit of €2,000 to guarantee the applicant’s expression of interest in favour of Italgas Reti S.p.A., which shall be withheld as reimbursement of expenses for feasibility studies, if the applicant does not accept the quotation within the terms set out therein. In the event of acceptance of the offer, the above-mentioned security shall be used in its entirety as compensation for the performance of the contract.