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DEPA Infrastructure (Italgas Group): corporate simplification in Greece completed

Athens, October 5th, 2023 – Italgas Group announced the successful completion of the corporate simplification process related to its operational presence in Greece.  

Specifically, the merger by incorporation of EDA Thess and EDA Attikis, both subsidiaries of Depa Infrastructure Group into DEDA (Public Gas Distribution Company S.A.) has been finalized.  

As a result of this merger, DEDA is responsible for the development and management of the gas distribution service in all regions of Greece where the Depa Infrastructure Group operates. It currently manages approximately 7,700 km of network and serves over half a million customers.  

Following the merger, the Shareholders' Assembly of DEDA has renewed the Board of Directors and appointed Alessandro Menna as the President of the company. Subsequently, the Board of Directors has appointed Francesca Zanninotti as the Chief Executive Officer.  

Francesca Zanninotti, a management engineer, brings extensive expertise in the gas distribution sector. She has previously served as the CEO of DEDA and EDA Thess, as well as the CEO of Medea, the Italgas Group subsidiary overseeing Sardinia methanization, and AcamGas in Liguria.
