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Changes to Italgas’ calendar of corporate events

Postponed Shareholders' Meeting

Milan, March 19, 2020 - Italgas’ Board of Directors, which met today chaired by Mr. Alberto Dell’Acqua, considering the perpetuation of the epidemiological emergency caused by the Covid-19 and the recent measures adopted by the Authorities, as well as the provisions contained in article 106 of Decree Law no. 18 of March 17, 2020, postponed to a date to be assigned the Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting initially scheduled for April 20, 2020, as communicated to the market. At a forthcoming meeting, the Board of Directors will convene the Shareholders' Meeting within the terms set out in the above mentioned Decree Law (180 days from the end of the financial year). At present, Italgas foresees that the shareholders' meeting will be convened on a date that does not require changes to the coupon payment date, to the record date and to the dividend payment date already communicated to the market on January 29, 2020 and confirmed on March 11, 2020. The calendar of corporate events is available at the address
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