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Italgas’ BoD appoints Paolo Gallo as Chief Executive Officer

Milan, 4 April 2019 – Italgas’ Board of Directors in its entirety, met today in Milan under the chairmanship of Alberto Dell’Acqua, appointed Paolo Gallo as Chief Executive Officer, giving him the powers of administration of the Company excluding the specific attributions reserved by the law, bylaws or by virtue of BoD resolution for the Board or the Chairman, who has a non-executive role. The Chief Executive Officer is also responsible for the functions of Director in charge of the internal control and risk management system. The Board of Directors, on the basis of the information provided by the interested parties, has also determined that, with regard to the 9 Directors there are no causes of ineligibility or incompatibility, and that each of them possess the integrity requirements laid down by current legislation. The Board of Directors also determined that, on the basis of the declarations made, Chairman Alberto Dell’Acqua and Directors Paola Annamaria Petrone, Giandomenico Magliano, Veronica Vecchi, Andrea Mascetti e Silvia Stefini possess the independence requirements laid down by the law and by the Corporate Governance Code. The Chairman Alberto Dell’Acqua fulfils the independence requirements established by law. The Board of Directors also ascertained that the statutory auditors fulfill the professional and integrity requirements pursuant to Ministerial Decree no. 162 of 30 March 2000, as specified by Art. 20.1 of the bylaws and it took note of the independence requirements laid down by the law and by the Corporate Governance Code, on the basis of the checks made today by the Board of Statutory Auditors and transmitted to the BoD, pursuant to Application Criterion 8.C.1. of the Corporate Governance Code approved by the Corporate Governance Committee. Finally, the Board verified that the composition of the Board itself and of the Board of Statutory Auditors is compliant with the current regulatory and statutory provisions on gender equality; the Board also verified that the number of management and control positions held by the Directors is compatible with the effective execution of the office of Director in Italgas. As of today, to the best of the Company's knowledge, Paolo Gallo holds 12,000 shares of Italgas S.p.A. The curriculum vitae of the Directors and Statutory Auditors are available online, on the pages of the Board of Directors and the Board of Statutory Auditors. Lastly, Italgas announces that the Board of Directors meeting to approve the Interim Report on Operations as at 31 March 2019 will be held on 13 May 2019 instead of 14 May, as initially communicated. The conference call for the presentation of the accounting figures to financial analysts will take place on 14 May 2019, instead of 15 May.

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