Italgas: the Shareholder Meeting approves the 2016 financial statements and the dividend
Presented the Sustainability Report 2016
Milan, 28 April 2017 – Italgas’s Ordinary Shareholder Meeting, held today in Milan, approved the Financial Statements as at 31 December 2016, which reported a net profit of €177,130,291.44 for period June 1, 2016 (date of its foundation) to december 31
Furthermore, it approved: (i) the allocation of the net profit to shareholders with a distribution of a dividend of €0.20 per share outstanding on the ex-dividend date, (ii) to assign €8,010,000.00 to the legal reserve and (iii) to redistribute the remaining amount.
The pay-out date of the dividend of €0.20 per share will be 24 May 2017, with the ex-dividend date on 22 May 2017 and the record date on 23 May 2017.
The Shareholder Meeting also approved: (a) the consensual resolution of the statutory audit assignment granted to Ernst & Young and (b) the assignment of the statutory audit for nine years, namely for the years ended 31 December 2017 to 2025, to PricewaterhouseCoopers.
The Meeting also approved the 2017-2019 Long Term Share Incentive Plan, under the terms and conditions stated in the Information Document made available to the public in accordance with the applicable law. The plan is designed to ensure that management is further aligned with shareholder interests and to preserve long-term value creation.
The Shareholder Meeting also approved with a non-binding resolution Section I of the Remuneration Report pursuant to subsection three of article 123-ter of the CLF.
Furthermore, following the resignation of Substitute Auditor Marilena Cederna, who was nominated on 4 Agust 2016, due to unforeseen professional commitments and with immediate effect on 20 March 2017, the Shareholder Meeting, with a view to completing the composition of the current Board of Statutory Auditors and in accordance with the paragraph 1 of Article 2401 of the Italian Civil Code, appointed Barbara Cavalieri as the new Substitute Auditor of Italgas. Ms Cavalieri will remain in office for the duration of the current Board of Statutory Auditors’ entire mandate and thus until the approval of the financial statements as of December 31, 2018.
Finally, the Sustainability Report 2016 was also presented at the Shareholder Meeting, an annual document for communicating values, strategies, actions and results achieved by the Group on Sustainable Development and Corporate Responsibility.
The Report has been drawn up in accordance with the G4 – Sustainability Reporting Guidelines, defined in 2013 by GRI – submitted by the legal auditing firm (Ernst & Young) in accordance with International Standard Principles and Guidelines on Assurance Engagement.