Our activities
We are the leading gas distribution company in Italy and on track to become the European champion in the sector. In addition, we are leaders in energy efficiency and the water sector, leveraging our expertise and innovative solutions.
A network tech company
With a history spanning over 185 years, we are widely recognized as the company that introduced gas into Italian households. Today, we are the leading gas distribution operator in Italy and Greece, where we have been present since 2022, and rank third in Europe. By acquiring 2i Rete Gas, set to be finalized in the first half of 2025, we will become the European leader in the sector.
Our Group has evolved into a Network Tech Company, managing gas and water networks while ensuring increasingly efficient and sustainable services. We focus on technological innovation and digitalisation, which are essential for the decarbonisation of the energy system. Furthermore, our commitment to widespread artificial intelligence usage will propel us into a new phase of digital transformation.
We currently operate in four sectors: alongside our historical core business of gas distribution, we have expanded into energy efficiency, the water sector, and information technology.
Our historical core business: gas distribution
Gas distribution represents both our history and our future, serving as the core of our transformation. Through the integration of 2i Rete Gas, we are making a significant contribution to the consolidation of the gas distribution sector in Italy.
What is our role in the gas sector? While we do not import, extract, or produce gas, nor handle the transportation phase conducted via high-pressure pipelines, our responsibility is to take gas from these high-pressure pipelines and deliver it to households and businesses.
We carry out gas distribution (or transportation) on behalf of authorized sales companies that market to end customers. In addition to delivery services through local gas pipeline networks from the city gates (reduction and measurement stations connected to transport networks), we also manage metering activities, which involve gathering, processing, validating, and providing consumption data.
The digital transformation of our assets, business processes, and the skills of our people will enable us to become the first gas utility in the world with a fully digitalized network. This is a crucial step in promoting the development of renewable gases, such as biomethane, hydrogen, and synthetic methane.
Biomethane is currently the most viable carbon-neutral option. With its mature technology and the integration of CO2 capture systems, biomethane can even have a net negative carbon impact. In early 2023, we connected the first biomethane plant to our grid. Hydrogen, in the long term, holds the potential to unlock the full capabilities of renewable energy sources due to its programmability, storage potential, and compatibility with existing infrastructure.
The operational activities of our gas distribution business in Italy are managed by:
- Italgas Reti S.p.A. ,operating throughout the national territory
- Toscana Energia S.p.A., operating in the Tuscany region
- Medea S.p.A., operating in Sardinia
- Umbria Distribuzione Gas, operating in the municipality of Termini
- Metano Sant’Angelo Lodigiano, operating in five municipalities in Lombardy
In Greece, following the acquisition of Depa Infrastructure (now Enaon), the implementation of our development plan is progressing rapidly.
While we do not import, extract, or produce gas, nor handle its transportation via high-pressure pipelines, our role is to take gas from these pipelines and deliver it to households and businesses.
Our Expansion in the Water Sector
>82,000 km
In Italy and Greece in 2023.
8 mln ca
In Italy and Greece in 2023.
8 mld ca
In Italy and Greece in 2023.
With a historical presence in Turin, Venice, Florence and Rome
With a historical presence in Athene and Salonicco
We are a player in energy efficiency
We are aware of the crucial role that energy efficiency plays in pursuing climate goals, which is why in 2018 we entered the market for advanced and innovative solutions to optimize the use of energy.
Thanks to the experience gained in the field and proprietary technologies, Geoside, our ESCo (Energy Service Company), is able to offer innovative services, both internally, to support our energy transition, and to the market.
Geoside offers personalised energy consultancy and the provision of energy services for the residential market, industrial and tertiary companies and Public Administrations, accompanying customers on the path to reducing their energy and environmental impact through the power of artificial intelligence and big data analysis.
We grow in the water sector
In 2023, we became a significant player in the water sector with the acquisition of the business unit that holds the concessions in Italy from the Veolia Environnement S.A. Group.
- Nepta, which consolidates our water sector activities, manages the water service in Caserta and four municipalities in its province.
- Through Acqualatina, we oversee the integrated water service in 38 municipalities in Optimal Territorial Area 4-Lazio Meridionale.
- We manage water capture, storage, purification, and conveyance in Sicily through Siciliacque, a supra-regional water service operator.
- Through Acqua Campania, we carry out water abstraction, purification, distribution, and transportation of drinking water, operating on a regional concession as a supra-regional water service operator.
Our goal is to further grow and improve the efficiency of the managed infrastructure by applying the skills we’ve developed from the digital transformation of our gas distribution networks. This approach will help reduce losses and enhance the quality of the services provided to the communities.
Our Impact: We serve 6.2 million inhabitants, either directly or indirectly.
Our numbers
6,2 milioni
We offer cutting-edge digital solutions
The digital transformation path we have undertaken concerns not only our assets but also our processes. The engine of all this is the Digital Factory of Bludigit, the Group’s IT Company.
It is a physical and virtual place where solutions are designed and implemented that help to further improve our operational efficiency and that of operators.