Supplier Support
FAQs, useful documents and contacts for those who are already our suppliers and for those who want to become one.
In order to be enabled on the new IT4BUY and qualify, you will have to register on the portal, indicating a username and a personal email to carry out the activities. At the end of the filling out the on boarding you will receive username and password.
If you have registered on the old system and your qualification procedure is in progress, simply submit an application on the new IT4Buy platform.
Remember that the new qualification process is divided into 2 steps:
1) On Boarding/Registration 2) Qualification.
To have support, you may contact the Assistance in homepage of IT4Buy selecting “Send a supplier support request “.
To proceed with the renewal, we invite you to independently access the IT4Buy platform with your credentials and update your personal registration data.
Both months before the actual expiry and at the time of the expiry of the qualification you will receive an email from the system for the renewal of your qualification.
Remember that the new qualification process is divided into 2 steps:
1) On Boarding/Registration 2) Qualification.
To have support, you may contact the Assistance in homepage of IT4Buy selecting “Send a supplier support request “.
To request a qualification extension on one or more Merchandise Groups, you will need to access the IT4Buy platform independently and indicate in the on boarding/registration questionary the new and additional merchandise group in the Merchandise tree for the chosen category. If the selection is eligible, you will receive a confirmation email and a request to complete the qualification questionnaire.
Remember that the new qualification process is divided into 2 steps:
1) On Boarding/Registration 2) Qualification.
To have support, you may contact the Assistance in homepage of IT4Buy selecting “Send a supplier support request “.
You will no longer be able to access the old system to monitor the validity of your qualifications made on the old system. We remind you that you can always consult the Letter of Qualification you received at the time of qualification.
To monitor the qualification status you can access the new IT4Buy at any time with your credentials.
We remind you that you can register at any time on the new IT4Buy platform and we invite you to do this in time, so that you can manage future Renewal and/or Qualification activities for other Merchandise Groups.
Remember that the new qualification process is divided into 2 steps:
1) On Boarding/Registration 2) Qualification.
To have support, you may contact the Assistance in homepage of IT4Buy selecting “Send a supplier support request “.
No. To access IT4Buy, you will need to use the credentials that were communicated to you when updating the new IT4Buy portal.
Remember that the new qualification process is divided into 2 steps:
1) On Boarding/Registration 2) Qualification.
To have support, you may contact the Assistance in homepage of IT4Buy selecting “Send a supplier support request “.
For clarification in the compilation and technical support contact the number +39 022 8455101 or write to ESG@crif.com
To update your personal data, follow these steps:
- Log in to your IT4Buy Personal Area and edit your details within the Registration questionnaire.
- Contact CRIF technical support to report the update of your personal data
- CRIF will send you a new invitation to complete the Sustainability Questionnaire, with your updated data
If you encounter difficulties on the IT4Buy platform, send an email to supportoit4buy@italgas.it, indicating the problem you have encountered and a telephone number to which you can be contacted. Our technical support will be happy to help.