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Italgas: CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project) improves Italgas score to “A-“ for the fight against climate change

Milan, 7 December 2021 – Italgas has been recognised by CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project) for its efforts in the fight to climate change for the fifth year in a row. This year the Group has been included in the “Leadership band” thanks to the improvement of its score to “A-“ from “B” last year, fin the “Climate change 2021” questionnaire. This score ranks Italgas above the European regional average and the Energy Utilities Networks sector, both ranked “B”.

Italgas is a leader in Italy in the gas distribution sector and third in Europe, it is present in almost 1,900 Italian municipalities with a historical presence in the major cities of Rome, Turin, Venice, Florence and Naples.

CDP is a non-profit organization that evaluates performances on climate change and environmental reporting every year. This year more than 13,000 companies worldwide answered to its questionnaires.

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