
Bludigit offers innovative solutions to accelerate the digital transformation of the business, through the Digital Factory and digital technologies. Inspiring Future.

Bludigit is the company of the Italgas Group created to give further boost to the digital transformation of Italgas and to offer cutting-edge solutions to other operators in the energy and infrastructure sectors, to support and encourage the energy and digital transition.

Bludigit offers proprietary solutions through digital transformation, an ecosystem of technological partners and through the Digital Factory, the innovation hub of the Italgas Group.

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Registered Office

Via Carlo Bo, 11 Milano

Go to the Bludigit website

Find out more about solutions created to accelerate digital transformation.

Marco Barra Caracciolo

Chief Executive Officer of Bludigit

Corporate bodies

Below are the Governance references

Board of Directors


Marco Barra Caracciolo Di Basciano
Chairman and CEO

Valeria Quaranta

Lorenzo Romeo



Board of Statutory Auditors


Alessandro Forte 

Francesca Di Donato
Standing Auditor

Paola Simonelli
Standing Auditor




Società di Revisione: Deloitte & Touche S.p.A.

Digital Factory: the solution is digital

Since the launch of the Digital Factory in 2018, we have already developed innovative proprietary solutions such as the WorkOnSite app to facilitate the supervision of gas sites through artificial intelligence, and ShareView, which uses augmented reality for remote assistance during the field technical activities.

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