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Italgas included for the first time in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index World

Milan, 16 September 2019 – Italgas has been included for the first time in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index World. This index globally assesses the capability of the largest listed companies to address the major issues of sustainability Italgas is the only Italian utility in the gas distribution sector included in DJSI World, the third in the world with the Spanish Naturgy and the Japanese Osaka Gas. This year, the Dow Jones Sustainability Index World is made up of 318 companies, out of a total of more than 3,500 invited to participate. With Italgas in 2019, three other Italian companies were included, bringing the number of Italian companies to 12. After the recent confirmation in the FTSE4Good, another important recognition for Italgas' business model inspired by criteria of environmental, social and economic sustainability and focused on constant interaction with the territory of reference. A further sign for the stakeholders of the company's ability to create value in the medium to long term.

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