Italgas: the UNI ISO 37001:2016 anti-corruption certification confirmed and extended
Milan, December 19, 2019 - Italgas, leader in gas distribution in Italy and Europe, has obtained, for the second consecutive year, the UNI ISO 37001:2016 certification "Management systems for the prevention of corruption" for the holding company Italgas S.p.A., also obtaining its extension to the "anti-corruption governance" of all Group companies, as well as for the subsidiary Italgas Reti S.p.A.
The management system for preventing and combating corruption, adopted on a voluntary basis, has been verified by the independent certification body DNV GL - Business Assurance. After in-depth analyses that have confirmed the adequacy and compliance of the management system with the requirements of the above mentioned standard and its effective application.
The delivery of 37001 certificates took place today during a meeting in Milan, at Italgas headquarters, in the presence of Italgas CEO Paolo Gallo and DNV GL Business Assurance Italia S.r.l. CEO Stefano Crea.
"For a company like ours - commented Italgas CEO Paolo Gallo - the commitment to fight corruption is essential and permeates our daily operations as well as the activities more closely related to the core business. With the confirmation of the certification and its extension to the governance of all Group companies, we are emphasising our attention to the issues of legality, transparency and corporate responsibility and provide a further important signal of integrity to the market and to the more than 1,800 municipalities and 7.6 million users with whom we come into contact every day".
Stefano Crea added: "Italgas represents a business model that perfectly matches the values promoted by DNV GL: trust and reliability, quality and integrity, innovation, ability to team up, care for its stakeholders, strong propensity for innovation and ability to achieve results. We congratulate a group whose solidity and attention to improvement make it an absolute reference in its sector on a global level and which places management systems - whose principles are applied at all levels of the organization - as one of the cornerstones of its way of doing business".