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Click To Be Green

Click To Be Green is the new Italgas initiative on Environment and Sustainability.

The Italgas initiative to have greener cities

Click To Be Green is the initiative on environment and sustainability bringing the sales companies as protagonists

Click To Be Green, in addition to the reduction of CO2 emissions in the atmosphere achieved by ClickToGas services through the digital quotation, connection and activation process, aims to double the environmental benefits achieved by ClickToGas services:

Based on the use of ClickToGas services in 2022 and the related CO2 savings, Italgas will create, at the end of the initiative, several Urban Public Green Areas, planting many new trees on public land to guarantee CO2 absorption equal to the quantity saved thanks to ClickToGas services.

By our Eco Counter you can monitor the environmental benefits of the digital budgeting process achieved by ClickToGas services

How ClickToGas helps the environment

ClickToGas is the new set of free digital and sustainable services dedicated to customers.

Thanks to ClickToGas Selfy, remote inspections can be carried out quickly, safely and sustainably.

Thanks to ClickToGas All-In-One it is possible to connect and activate the supply in a single appointment.

Ad ogni utilizzo dei servizi sostenibili ClickToGas corrisponde in media:

Benefits on the environment

We monitor the environmental benefits deriving from the use of Click To Gas services.

Find out how much CO2 we saved thanks to your choice to use digital services