Italgas per la sostenibilità: l’AD Gallo sottoscrive il nuovo statement di cooperazione mondiale dell’ONU

L’iniziativa, promossa in occasione del 75° anniversario delle Nazioni Unite, rientra tra le attività del Global Compact per un business più equo e inclusivo

Stringersi in uno spirito di cooperazione mondiale e affrontare con determinazione la pandemia Covid-19 e le altre crisi globali. È con questo spirito che Italgas è fiera di aver sottoscritto, con la firma dell’AD Paolo Gallo, lo “Statement from Business Leaders for Renewed Global Cooperation”. Una dichiarazione importante, promossa in occasione del 75° anniversario delle Nazioni Unite, che testimonia l’impegno di Italgas nel raggiungere anno dopo anno un modello di business sempre più sostenibile, trasparente e inclusivo. L’iniziativa rientra nell’ambito delle attività del Global Compact (a cui Italgas aderisce dal 2018), la più grande iniziativa di sostenibilità corporate a livello mondiale, che spinge le imprese ad adottare strategie compatibili con uno sviluppo sempre più orientato a una responsabilità sociale e d’impresa.

In questo senso l’AD di Italgas, Paolo Gallo, ha voluto aderire a uno Statement che ha come scopo quello di rilanciare a livello mondiale i principi del multilateralismo inclusivo e della cooperazione, ponendo il focus sulle tre dimensioni fondamentali ESG (ambientali, sociali e di governance). Obiettivi e ideali che rappresentano da anni la linea d’azione di Italgas e di molte tra le più importanti aziende del mondo. La dichiarazione, infatti, è stata sottoscritta da più di 1.000 CEO provenienti da ogni settore e Paese.

Un anniversario, quello delle Nazioni Unite, che arriva in uno dei momenti più complessi a livello globale per la storia economia e sociale recente, ma che rende ancora più necessaria quell’unità d’intenti dimostrata nel corso degli incontri che si sono svolti con i rappresentanti dell’ONU e di quelle aziende che, anno dopo anno perseguono gli Obiettivi di Sviluppo Sostenibile (SDGs).

L’impegno di Italgas sulle tematiche di sostenibilità è orientato in questa direzione ed è consolidato chiaramente all’interno del Piano di Sostenibilità, grazie alle azioni che l’azienda porta avanti ogni giorno. Un agire d’impresa fondato su una vera e propria cultura di sostenibilità e che mira a raggiungere gli Obiettivi di Sviluppo Sostenibile (SDGs) promossi dalle Nazioni Unite nell’Agenda globale al 2030 e che trovano applicazione concreta nelle 45 azioni definite all’interno del Piano di Sostenibilità. Il raggiungimento delle azioni viene costantemente monitorato internamente per valutare i processi, le iniziative e le attività necessarie per realizzare uno sviluppo sostenibile lungo tutta la catena del valore. Lo testimoniano gli indici di sostenibilità in cui Italgas è stata confermata nel 2019: dal FTSE4Good Index, passando per il prestigioso Dow Jones Sustainability Index World e la conferma, sempre nel 2019, del MSCI World Energy Index, fino ad arrivare all’ECPI Euro ESG Equity e all’ECPI World ESG Equity. Conferme e certificazioni che accrescono la credibilità dell’azienda nei confronti di investitori e stakeholder.

Un approccio, quello di Italgas, che punta a raggiungere e integrare gli Obiettivi di Sviluppo nel suo agire quotidiano anche verso l’attenzione ai territori e ai clienti finali. Con gli investimenti in innovazione e digitalizzazione messi in campo e il dialogo continuo con le comunità in cui è presente, infatti, Italgas si impegna a costruire città sempre più sostenibili e a contribuire allo sviluppo sociale, culturale ed economico del Paese.

Italgas per le Società di Vendita: nasce il nuovo portale Gas2Be

La piattaforma online rafforzerà la partnership e faciliterà il processo di accreditamento alla rete

Migliorare il dialogo con le Società di Vendita e rendere il servizio di distribuzione del gas ancora più efficiente. Il tutto per un obiettivo comune: la soddisfazione del cliente finale. In questo contesto si inserisce il lancio di Gas2Be, il nuovo portale digitale di Italgas dedicato alle Società di Vendita. Una piattaforma innovativa, che si pone come scopo quello di valorizzare e supportare la partnership in maniera sempre più veloce e con processi semplici e intuitivi. Ogni giorno, infatti, Italgas lavora al fianco di tutte le Società di Vendita del Paese per garantire, anno dopo anno, un servizio sempre migliore e sicuro agli utenti serviti. Un rapporto proficuo, consolidato nel tempo con l’introduzione di nuovi servizi, che andrà a valorizzarsi ulteriormente grazie all’utilizzo di questa piattaforma.

Ora, grazie a Gas2Be, le Società di Vendita potranno portare avanti e finalizzare il loro accesso alla rete alla rete del Gruppo Italgas con un procedimento più facile e veloce. Con questa piattaforma si potrà, inoltre, raccogliere un’anagrafica strutturata, digitale e consultabile di tutti i dati delle Società di Vendita che operano sulla rete Italgas, migliorando contemporaneamente l’efficienza e la velocità di tutti i processi.

Ma come funziona il nuovo sistema di accreditamento online? È semplicissimo. Alle Società di Vendita basterà, infatti, accedere al sito del nuovo portale e compilare il modulo con i dati necessari. Una volta che Italgas riceverà la richiesta, invierà automaticamente le credenziali per accedere al portale e completare così l’inserimento. La Società di Vendita, infine, dovrà ultimare gli ultimi step necessari e potrà subito iniziare a fare business sulla rete di Italgas!

Una volta completato l’accesso a Gas2Be, le Società di Vendita potranno accedere facilmente anche a GasOnLine: da qui sarà possibile gestire al meglio tutte le relazioni commerciali con Italgas e usufruire di una serie di funzionalità operative.

Ma non solo accreditamento. La piattaforma Gas2Be consentirà alle Società di Vendita un accesso diretto e immediato a informazioni e novità su Italgas come quelle sulle ultime promozioni lanciate sul territorio, o sui prossimi webinar pensati appositamente per aumentare e migliorare lo scambio di know-how fra Italgas e le Società di Vendita.

Un legame che proseguirà nel tempo nel segno della condivisione di nuove modalità di comunicazione e strumenti innovativi, che potranno risultare decisivi nel garantire un servizio sempre più efficiente e all’avanguardia per i clienti finali.

Gas2Be, il nuovo portale online per fare rete con il Gruppo Italgas!

Italgas official sponsor degli Internazionali BNL d’Italia

Roma, settembre 2020 – Italgas, leader in Italia nel settore della distribuzione del gas naturale e terzo operatore in Europa, è official sponsor degli Internazionali BNL d’Italia, in programma a Roma dal 14 al 21 settembre.

Una partnership  che vede la Società ampliare il supporto alla promozione della disciplina. Dal 2018, infatti, Italgas è anche team sponsor delle Nazionali italiane maschile e femminile nelle competizioni di Coppa Davis e Fed Cup.

Un sostegno per il tennis che si ispira ai medesimi principi di preparazione, competizione, lealtà, tensione al risultato che unisce due mondi – quello dell’industria e quello dello sport – solo apparentemente distanti.

Gli Internazionali BNL d’Italia, peraltro, presentano ulteriori punti di contatto con Italgas sotto il profilo dei valori, della tradizione e della vocazione internazionale. Il torneo è infatti il più importante in Italia e tra i più importanti in Europa, attrae da sempre i migliori atleti al mondo ed è anche uno dei più antichi essendo stato disputato per la prima volta nel 1930. Una preminenza e un radicamento storico condivisi con la Società, prima del settore in Italia, fondata quasi due secoli fa e che proprio a Roma ha una delle sue presenze più significative.

Italgas è il primo operatore in Italia nella distribuzione del gas e il terzo in Europa: gestisce una rete di distribuzione che si estende complessivamente per circa 73.000 chilometri attraverso la quale, nel corso dell’ultimo anno, ha distribuito circa 9 miliardi di metri cubi di gas a 7,7 milioni di utenze. Il Gruppo è titolare di 1.886 concessioni, con una presenza storica nelle maggiori città del Paese tra cui Torino, Venezia, Firenze, Roma e Napoli. La sua storia risale al 1837. Con oltre 180 anni di storia alle spalle è unanimemente riconosciuta come la società che ha portato il gas nelle case degli italiani, contribuendo allo sviluppo economico e sociale del Paese. Oggi Italgas è soprattutto un’azienda che guarda al futuro, con obiettivi di crescita e di sviluppo chiari e un importante piano di investimenti per la progressiva estensione del servizio e l’adozione delle tecnologie digitali che rendono ogni giorno la gestione delle reti sempre più efficiente.

Conference Call: 2020 First Half Results

Italgas Top Management presents 2020 First Half Results.

Conference Call for the presentation of results to the community will be on Monday, July 27th 2020 at 5:00pm CEST.

Click on the following link to watch the presentation live:



The Heritage Lab is born: the place where past and innovation meet

The Historical Archive of Italgas, the result of about two centuries of history, will be entirely digitalized and will enhance the cultural heritage of the company

Reconciling history with innovation, Digital Transformation with the preservation of a great historical heritage: that of Italgas and the country. These are the objectives of the Heritage Lab, a new project, carried out together with the Giorgio Cini Foundation and ARCHiVe, which aims to digitize and renew the vast Italgas Archive and to give life to a new model of the Laboratory Museum. A physical and virtual meeting place that tells, in a totally innovative way, the historical riches of one of the most important companies in our country.


The heart and soul of the new Laboratory Museum will be the numerous original documents, the result of almost two centuries of history, which will represent a true unicum in the gas distribution sector. An immense wealth of information, which will tell a part of the social, economic and technological evolution of our country. The Heritage Lab, moreover, will represent a new Italian model for the fruition of historical contents, whose aim will not only be to preserve, arrange and observe the Italgas Archive, but to share and deepen, from a completely new point of view, its richness with the whole community and the whole territory.

To date, Italgas’ Archive, historical library, newspaper and periodical library and museum collections contain almost 200 years of history and include an original nucleus of:

  • over 1,000 linear meters of documents
  • 6,000 volumes, brochures and magazines
  • 35,000 prints, photographs and posters
  • 350 vintage equipment and instruments, declared by the Italian State to be of considerable historical interest and subject to notification and preservation requirements

Numbers, still growing today, which testify to the greatness of the historical and cultural treasure of the company and which highlight the importance of not dispersing the precious legacy left to us by the people who have made Italgas history. In this sense, the metadatation and the entire conversion of documents into big data , made possible thanks to the work of archivists and the use of innovative software, will represent an important bridge between the analogical contents of the past and the current modes of digital fruition.

It is important to underline that the transformation of the historical heritage will not only coincide with the conversion of documents into images, but will pursue the firm will to make the fruition of these contents a real physical and virtual experience. An interactive path that puts the observer at the centre and tells our story with macro-themes of general interest. Historical and cultural strands that do not only involve specialists, but an increasingly broad and interested public (such as universities, cultural associations, local communities, businesses, museum networks and business archives).

This is the direction in which the partnerships with the Giorgio Cini Foundation and the École Polytechnique Fédéral de Lausanne are heading. Two agreements that will allow Italgas to expand its archival and historiographical skills and that will give the company more opportunities for collaboration to further expand its proposal. Already today, in fact, Italgas’ archival fonds represent very important sources for students in the writing of university theses. The aim is to make the Laboratory Museum a common good for the community and the territory, where documents, information and materials will be year after year, more and more usable and easier to consult.


Within the new Heritage Lab will play a fundamental role the laboratories present, which will be equipped with the most advanced technologies necessary to digitize documents in 2D and 3D. The transformation of the content will, in fact, become an integral part of the visitor’s experience, who will have the opportunity to observe in real time the process of digitization of historical materials and will no longer be limited to a passive visualization of the final product.

There will be 4 laboratories in the Heritage Lab:

  • the first will be for the time deposit of documents
  • in the second one, the necessary digitization preparation treatments will take place
  • the third will be equipped with the “Replica” scanner: a rapid scanning system capable of scanning a double-sided document in a few seconds
  • the last laboratory will instead contain all the other latest generation scanners including the “V Scanner”, the “3D Lucida”, the “LIDAR technology” and the “Time Machine Box”.

The Italgas Museum will not only be a container of the company’s history, where visitors will be able to follow exclusively exhibition itineraries, but it will become a real productive and always active laboratory. A meeting place that will see its hinge in the Data Square: a real “square” located inside the Museum, where the public will have the opportunity to enjoy the contents of digitizations and to interact with them in an innovative and virtual way.  Data Square itself, in fact, feeds on the contents of the Italgas Archive and challenges itself to combine and share with the public daily activities, technologies and documents of the past.

The thread of the Museum will not be a simple linear and unitary succession of historical contents, but they will be conveyed to the observer through the creation of core values: homogeneous materials and narrative strands that will tell and analyze a series of specific themes related to the history of our country. The visitor can range from the evolution of social and cultural changes to those of the major Italian cities (through the consultation of maps and cartographies of the past), from scientific, technological and archaeological discoveries to themes of historical interest such as the two world wars and the progressive entry of women into the world of work.


Among the many objectives of the Heritage Lab is to make the Italgas Historical Archive and the Museum as places oriented towards sustainability. But how to reconcile the concepts of sustainability with the project of digitizing the archive? The process of digital transformation of documents of the past can be defined, in fact, as a path of dematerialization that involves a series of benefits, first of all that of the preservation of a cultural and historical heritage and the consequent creation of value for the whole territory and the community. Moreover, thanks to the digital enhancement of the contents, Italgas aims to represent for the country a model of process sustainability, where the final products of the museum become necessary materials to improve the daily work of the company.
A path that in the future may prove to be a viable and sustainable way also for the enhancement of the historical heritage of other realities, combining a high technological knowledge with the ability to involve research institutions and the training and retraining of personnel.

History, innovation and digitization. For Italgas and for the territory. For this reason the new Heritage Lab will represent a real digital asset for Italgas.

Conference Call: 2020 Performance update

Italgas Top Management presents an update on 2020 performance and on the impact of the Covid-19 emergency on business.

Conference Call for the presentation to the community will be on Thursday June 11, 2020 – 3:00 PM CEST

Click on the following link to watch the presentation live.



Italgas restarts: services active in Phase 2

More than 2 months after the beginning of the Covid19 emergency, Italgas restarts at the beginning of Phase 2. From the beginning of the “lockdown” until today, in fact, the company has continued to guarantee in the field all the essential services related to the efficiency, continuity and safety of the gas distribution service.
In the same way we have carried out the new activations and reactivations in order to ensure new users the service and “normality” of life at home, thanks to the daily use of gas.

In compliance with Legislative Decree no. 33 of May 16, 2020 DPCM of April 26, 2020, the requirements imposed by the ARERA and the indications of the Ministry of Economic Development, Italgas continues to provide essential services, including activations and reactivations, also in Phase 2 and, in addition, returns to take charge of all other service requests on utilities that do not involve entry into individual private homes, such as for example:

  • New connections
  • Counter replacements
  • Deactivations
  • Suspensions and interruptions of supplies due to delinquency
  • Readings
  • Estimates for work on plants and meters and related inspections
  • Checks on malfunctioning meters

In particular emergency situations, Italgas can also intervene in private homes, to ensure the continuity and availability of the service in safe conditions for users.
The Italgas Emergency First Aid service is always active 24 hours a day, 7 days a week on the number 800-900-999.

In addition to the management of the requests on the users, the interventions in the field to extend our networks in the areas not yet reached by methane, to modernize the plants and replace sections of the grid with more modern, safe and efficient solutions are distributed throughout the country. Continuing the investments foreseen by the Italgas Industrial Plan is possible thanks to the provision of the necessary personal protective equipment, supplied to all our technicians in the field, and above all thanks to the adoption of new working methods and the use of digital tools introduced by the Italgas Digital Factory. Essential technologies to facilitate remote work and ensure the safe continuation of activities.

Phase 2 represents a fundamental moment for the restart of the country and of all the territories in which we operate. Thanks to the reorganization of activities and technologies adopted in the field we will continue to provide all users with an efficient and safe service, as Italgas has been doing for over 180 years.

Shareholders’ Meeting: 12 May 2020

The ordinary session of the Shareholders’ Meeting of Italgas is called, in a single call, for 12 May 2020, at 11.00 a.m., in Milan, Via Carlo Bo 11, to discuss and resolve upon the agenda of which at the Notice of Shareholders’ Meeting.

In view of the ongoing health emergency related to the COVID-19 epidemic, it will be possible to follow the live streaming from the link below.

Instructions to access streaming:

Starting from 11:00 a.m. you can watch the Meeting live streaming.
After clicking on the link below, you will land on the platform access page.
Once on the page, click on “Register” and fill in the required fields (as user you can enter, for example, your company email and as a password one of your choice).
After filling in the registration form, click on one of the two boxes with the preview of the live event in order to choose the language you prefer (Italian or English) and then click on the “Play” icon.

  Follow the live streaming

Conference Call: 2020 First Quarter Results

Italgas Top Management presents 2020 First Quarter Results.

Conference Call for the presentation of results to the community will be on Wednesday, April 29th, 2020 at 04:00 pm CEST.

Click on the following link to watch the presentation live:


Italgas and the Coronavirus: the road travelled from the beginning of the emergency until today

Security and efficiency of the service have guaranteed normality in the homes of end users. The company’s commitment has, however, also extended to solidarity

Normality and safety. These are the two objectives that, almost two months after the beginning of the Coronavirus emergency, have pushed Italgas to make even more efforts to ensure the regular distribution of gas to all users, ensuring that life at home is normal. A necessary factor at such a complex time, during which many of our daily habits have been revolutionized. All this without neglecting the health of their own people and the end users themselves. Priorities and points of reference confirmed by the immediate establishment of an internal crisis committee, the re-articulation of Italgas teams on the national territory and all the arrangements that the company has put in place since the beginning of the emergency to date. The Italgas Crisis Committee, in particular, has a multifunctional composition and approach. The representatives meet daily and, monitoring day after day the evolution of the emergency in Italy, make the necessary arrangements to ensure the efficiency and safety of the service.

Italgas believes in innovation in all its dimensions. For this reason, Smart Workingwas already activein the company for some time, an agile and modern way of working which, with the arrival of the emergency, was immediately extended to the various sites in order to prevent any risk. About 2,500 employees already had all the tools needed for Smart Working (PC, smartphone, internet connection). The spread of the tools has been quickly extended to allow remote work even to those who do not have a stable connection or full equipment, such as new hires who have received the kit directly at home.

The results have been very positive: the number of users connected remotely has increased from an average of 70 to 1,800 and many of the many activities planned have been regularly carried out through a solid videoconferencing infrastructure, which in March supported about 1,600 hours of video connections, and innovative collaboration tools in the cloud that Italgas has long adopted.

The work of Italgas, however, is also and above all in the field. For this reason, the company has continued to guarantee to all end users the essential services for the gas distribution system, while at the same time ensuring the regular monitoring of First Aid activities (active 7 days a week, 24 hours a day) and maintenance activities on the network to ensure safety and continuity of service. In addition, all technicians in the field who continue to carry out essential operational activities (e.g. gas reactivations) in private homes, with commitment and responsibility, have been put in a position to carry out the work safely and equipped with the necessary personal protective equipment.

But not just operations. Italgas, in fact, has not stopped with solidarity. This is because, asItalgas CEO Paolo Gallo said in recent days,”in such a complex and critical moment for Italy we are all called to do our part, as individuals and as a company”. Precisely for this reason Italgas has decided from the beginning to stay close to those who are in the front line against the spread of Coronavirus and to offer its contribution to support the Civil Protection and important hospitals in the cities of Turin, Milan, Padua, Pavia, Piacenza, Rome and Naples. All through direct donations and internal fundraising supported by the Group’s own people. An initiative, the latter, which has just ended and which has seen Italgas personnel donate the economic equivalent of 7,000 hours of their work to the Civil Protection. A figure that has been doubled by an equal amount directly from the company.

A series of initiatives that confirm what, for over 180 years, has been Italgas’ commitment: to guarantee end users allover Italy normality, in safety and without “making noise”. Activities that are not only aimed at providing the service, but also at concretely supporting the country and the communities where Italgas is present. A way of acting that bears witness to the responsibility with which the Italgas Group has always operated towards its people, territories and end users.

Read more about how Italgas restared its services during the phase 2 >>

Last update: