Outlook: expected performances

Based on the positive results achieved in 2023 and the first quarter of 2024, marked by steady growth in all key economic indicators, we will continue to pursue our strategic goals despite the ongoing geopolitical and macroeconomic uncertainty.

With reference to the customer base/sales company and their solidity, we underline that the rules for user access to the gas distribution service are established by ARERA and are regulated in the Network Code. In this moment, we do not estimate any significant negative consequences on the expected receipts from gas sales companies that could affect our financial balance, as well as on the regularity of payments by counterparties.

With regard to the Russia-Ukraine conflict, we confirm that we do not have production activities or personnel located in Russia, Ukraine or in countries geo-politically aligned with Russia, nor to entertain commercial and / or financial relationships with such countries.

As regards the predictable evolution of the business, for 2024, technical investments of approximately 0,9 billion euros and adjusted revenues of approximately 1.8 billion euros are expected, with adjusted EBITDA of 1.32 to 1.35 billion euros and adjusted EBIT of approximately 0.8 billion  euros and a net debt at the end of 2024 expected to be around 6 billion euros*, with leverage expected below 64%.

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